"As a board-certified chiropractor in Ontario for the last 25 years, I am concerned about this unprecedented crisis of our time. I know I’m not alone. You may be concerned about your health or your family’s health, or possibly the financial burden this will cause and worried because we don’t know how long this whole situation will go on for. I think the hardest part IS ALL the unknowns. As you may have heard on the news, Chiropractors have been advised to suspend all non-essential chiropractic services except for emergency or acute cases. So, for you this could be yet another unknown. If you’ve been suffering with numbness, tingling, or sciatica, then how do you know if it’s an emergency or considered acute to seek care at this time? And… if it’s NOT considered an emergency or acute situation, what can you do at home to help until you can visit the appropriate practitioner?
"I’m hoping to provide some guidance at this challenging time. Considering there has been recommendations to only leave your home for the essentials, what are people supposed to do who are in pain? This is why I’ve put together these tips/exercises to potentially help you get through which I've included in the video above. But it’s important to understand that the following information is intended to provide some tactful relief for numbness, tingling or Sciatica. Please be advised that this is not a suitable substitution for seeking prudent advice or a personalized evaluation from a certified health professional. If you experience any worsening of your symptoms or are concerned in anyway then DO NOT do these exercises and immediately speak with a health professional."
"Hopefully you find the tips useful, but I do recommend that you first determine whether or not your condition is an emergency or acute. If that is the case, then we would be able to see you. So to help guide you, we have included a special questionnaire on this page."
Stay healthy, stay safe.
Dr. Brent Lipke, D.C.
Family Chiropractic Centre.